
MapleOrigin RULES

    In-Game Rules

    1. Exploit Abuse
    Abusing any bugs, exploits, glitches or any other kinds of unintended features you find in the game is forbidden, and you may not share these with other players. When situations like these arise, you are expected to contact the staff by creating a ticket and explaining the bug / exploit / glitch. Users caught abusing any sorts of bug, exploit or glitch may be subject to temporary or permanent bans at the Staff ' s discretion .

    2. RMT (real money trading)
    Selling and buying accounts or attempting to do it will get your account permanently banned. Trading in-game items or goods for real currency is also forbidden.

    3. Toxic Behavior
    While we understand that everyone can get mad or triggered sometimes, repeated heavy insults, racism and any kind of hate comments may get you chat banned. Please be mindful of what you say and how it may be perceived by others.

    4. Macros and Scripts
    Using any kind of macro, script or simply using some tape to keep a key pressed in order to perform afk tasks, including but not limited to afk grinding is forbidden. 

      Our Discord
      Please read the following carefully before entering.
      Enter link
    1. Be respectful
      This means no mean, rude, or harassing comments. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    2. No inappropriate language
      Keep use of profanity to a reasonable minimum. Any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited. You can swear in casual channels only, while the other channels should be kept free of any profane language.

    3. No spamming
      Do not send a lot of small messages right after each other. These disrupt the chat and make it hard to scroll through the server. Please keep your messages at least 5 words long while chatting.

    4. No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material
      This server is meant to provide a safe place for us to share art, videos, advice, and other kinds of helpful material.

    5. No advertisements
      Don't send invasive advertising, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the media channel if it's relevant and provides actual value for the community.

    6. No offensive names and profile pictures
      Keep your names and profile picture appropriate.

    7. Server raiding
      Server raiding is against Discord's ToS. Any attempt to circumvent or bypass them can result in a permanent ban.

    8. Threats are forbidden
      Threats are prohibited and disallowed.

    9. Follow the Discord Community Guidelines
      Respect the general Discord Community Guidelines at all times.

    10. Do not join voice chat channels without permission of the people already in there
      If you see that they have a free spot it is alright to join and ask whether they have an open spot, but leave if your presence is not wanted by whoever was there first.

    11. Don’t share your personal information
      Do not share your personal information or the personal information of other users without their consent. This includes phone numbers, addresses, and any other sensitive information.

    12. Don’t share illegal or pirated content 
      Do not share links to illegal or pirated content, such as copyrighted material or stolen software. This is against Discord ToS and can result in a ban from the server.

    13. Avoid false or misleading information
      Make sure to fact-check any information you share and only share reliable sources. Spreading false or misleading information can be harmful and undermines the trust and integrity of the community.

    14.  Follow the channel-specific guidelines
      Each channel in the server have specific guidelines for the type of content that is allowed. Make sure to follow these guidelines and respect the purpose of each channel.

    15. No sharing or distributing hacks, cheats, or other unauthorized tools or services
      Sharing or distributing hacks, cheats, or other unauthorized tools or services is strictly prohibited on the server.

    16. No sharing or distributing viruses or malicious software 
      Sharing or distributing viruses or malicious software can harm the server and its members, and is therefore strictly prohibited.

    17. No sharing or distributing illegal drugs or controlled substances
      Distributing illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited on this server.

    18. No sharing or distributing counterfeit or fraudulent items
      You can’t share or distribute counterfeit or fraudulent items, such as fake IDs or fraudulent financial documents in this server.

    19. No sharing or distributing stolen financial or banking information
      You can’t distribute stolen financial or banking information, such as credit card numbers or bank account information.

    20.  No sharing or distributing unauthorized keys or serial numbers for software or games
      Don’t share or distribute keys or serial numbers for software or games that have been obtained illegally.

    21. Respect others’ privacy
      Do not invade the privacy of other users by asking for or sharing their personal information, or by sending unwanted DMs.

    22. Do not impersonate other users, staff members, or any other individuals or organizations
      This includes using similar usernames, profile pictures, or display names.

    23. No excessive self-promotion
      Share your work in moderation and only in designated channels.

    24. Keep political and religious discussions civil and respectful
      Or avoid them altogether if they are not relevant to the server’s purpose.

    25. Do not intentionally disrupt conversations or create a hostile environment for other users
      This includes trolling, flaming, or excessive arguing.

    26. No public shaming or call-outs
      If you have an issue with another user or their behavior, address it privately or report it to a staff member. Do not publicly shame or call out other users in the server.

    27. Do not abuse server bots
      Only use server bots for their intended purposes and do not spam or misuse their commands.

    28. Keep discussions relevant to the server’s topic
      Stay on topic and ensure your discussions are relevant to the server’s purpose or the specific channel you are in.

    29. Do not excessively use caps or emojis in your messages
      This can be disruptive and make the chat difficult to follow.

    30. No sharing or promoting illegal activities
      Do not share or promote any illegal activities, such as hacking, phishing, or drug use.

    31. No self-destructive behavior or encouragement of self-harm
      Do not encourage, glorify, or engage in self-destructive behavior or self-harm. This includes sharing graphic content related to self-harm or discussing personal experiences in a way that may trigger others.

    32. Do not share graphic or disturbing content
      Such as gore, violence, or explicit sexual content.

    33. No promoting or discussing drugs, alcohol, or other substances
      Avoid discussing or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may be harmful or illegal.

    34. No soliciting or begging for money, items, or services
      Do not solicit or beg for money, items, or services from other users.

    35. No blackmail, threats, or harassment
      Do not engage in blackmail, threats, or harassment of any kind, whether in public or private messages.

    36. No sharing of personal or private messages without consent
      Do not share the contents of personal or private messages with others without the consent of all involved parties.

    37. No excessive use of voice changer software
      If using voice changer software, do so in moderation and avoid excessive or disruptive use in voice channels.

    38. No recruiting for other servers or communities
      Do not recruit or promote other servers or communities in this server without prior approval from the server staff.

    39. Do not evade bans or mutes
      If you have been banned or muted, do not attempt to evade the punishment by creating alternate accounts or otherwise circumventing the restrictions.

    40. Keep content age-appropriate
      Ensure that all content you share in the server is age-appropriate.